What We Do…
Need an aged shelf company today? We provide aged shelf corporations and LLC’s in about 25 states. In most cases we can provide them to you within one business day. We also provide new and foreign incorporation filings in all 50 States. We have mail services in some states and privacy services in some states.
Where We Service…
- Alaska
- Arizona
- California
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kentucky
- Maryland
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- Pennsylvania
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Virginia
- Washington
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Featured Aged Companies
What You Get
Clean, Aged Shelf Corporation
No activity, debts or liabilities
Tax ID Free
With no Tax ID the corporation cannot owe any taxes
Registered Agent Service
Included until the renewal date of the company with the state
Articles of Formation or Incorporation
Certified copies of the Articles of Incorporation and a thumb drive with an operating agreement and suggested meetings.
No. And anyone who is telling you they do is most likely not telling you the truth. If they have created a company with existing credit and you do not repay that credit, that is fraud, on them and on you. Since no one wants that problem, anyone who says they are selling you a company with existing credit is most likely not telling the truth.
No. A lender is going to ask you for financial documents on the company, showing what the company has made in the time it has been open. You do not have these, and it is a crime if you use fake documents. We will not sell companies to people who tell us they are going to use them for illegal purposes.
Yes, we guarantee in writing that the company has not been used and has no liabilities or debts if it is one of our shelf companies.
No. They are clean-shelf companies with no financial history. If they had EIN numbers there would be a chance that they could have been used and have debt. With that said, from time to time we do sell existing companies for others. Those companies may have an EIN and financial history. We do not guarantee those sales. The deal is done between you and the seller.